About Lawnswood
Lawnswood Campus is committed to excellence. We enable learning by providing a rich and meaningful curriculum targeting students’ personalised needs. We aim to help our students overcome emotional and social difficulties in order to manage their behaviour and make considered choices.
Our curriculum is the way in which we encourage our students to become:
Confident and successful individuals who enjoy learning, make ambitious progress and achieve high quality and meaningful qualifications.
Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society including their local community and the wider international world in which they exist.
We believe that in order to succeed, all students need to be confident in the use of basic skills; reading, writing, communication and mathematics are given the highest priority at all times. Good progress leads to outstanding achievement and our curriculum mirrors that of mainstream schools, with the addition of vocational opportunities, and includes interventions and strategies to enable individuals to meet their full potential.
Lawnswood Campus is underpinned by shared values:
Equality of opportunity
A culture of shared responsibilities
A belief that everyone has the capacity to learn and improve